Wednesday, March 25, 2015

The film

Walleye | goldfish Awards 2013: Part One
Listen, 2013, was immense. Especially at the edges. Right in the middle was the stomach long enough, the summer was filled with movies okay passed and gone and there was no mention of the summaries, but films beginning of the year (or the end of 2012, depending on how you look at it) and the end of the year (or early 2014, if you want), and some good movies nevertheless reached the middle, gave so much cool stuff exploding summary george clooney golden globes lists. And that's not counting the movies listed out on the border, and will be included in the closing arguments next year.
So, fashionably late and fun, met again by the Academy of film critics themselves are also red fish on all its members to make choices. This is the 13th time we do it (the history of each academic freedom - and the audience choices films and concerts on the site this year - you can see here). For those who are new to the process, be clear again: Percy goldfish and herring selected according to the academy's personal opinion only - that is, in my opinion. I do not claim to represent anyone other than myself, if you do not agree with me - great. Crowd surfers invited to express his opinion in choosing this year's film fisheye, which is a separate award, which usually does not match my opinion. And probably tastes better than mine.
Is there any economic justification for the project in the country "Upstream Color", a film so strange that people who love him very much not entirely sure what his story? Or the "Stranger by the Lake", a film that does not have a scene that she was not a full male nudity scene? Probably not. But Orlando Films, a distribution company and cheeky, took these movies george clooney golden globes yet. They also removed the "Frances Ha", george clooney golden globes "family history", "light after dark" and "Hlkhnim". Maybe not all movies are just my cup of tea, but I much prefer to live in a place where such films, there are mainstream left ask, can reach regular screenings on a large screen in place to be sure you can get them in my house alone. Then comes the Orlando Film honor their courage. Though not sure they deserve an award for financial sanity.
"The Croods" movie was really cute and fun. Did you see? If you do not have kids, I'm guessing the answer is no. That the film was screened in English for something like five minutes. The same applies to "break the ice". Look, most of the audience of animated films are children. Clear. Most of these films are screened in the English version at all, and I missed the opportunity to see the "Free Birds" in the original language. But is that really so far-fetched idea that people who can read English will want to see the superb new film Disney, who put $ 250 million in the US? In the past animated films were screened george clooney golden globes in a relatively george clooney golden globes limited English, this year it seems the distributors have stopped even trying. And the chances of finding animated film in the original language as well as a two dimensional image I'm george clooney golden globes not even talking about.
No, seriously though, who moron who decided that? I really want to know, what is the logic? "AppStream fucking Color" flashes in the country, and 'At World "is george clooney golden globes not it? The thought is that people in the country do not like comedies? Do not like things British? (Yes, because nobody george clooney golden globes expects Martens O "). Or maybe they just do not like good things too? Maybe it's just a matter of tradition: george clooney golden globes after the first two films in the trilogy Cornette is not distributed george clooney golden globes in the country, perhaps the distributors were afraid that people would not understand the plot. This, of course, completely stupid explanation, but the decision not to distribute it equally stupid country.
Maybe it's just me, but I think in 2012 you could go through 11 months without hearing once the phrase "test as follows". And suddenly, in 2013 - not only everyone knows about it, no one is talking about anything else. It seems that this year came into force "Act as follows:" Any discussion on any movie from any genre and any time, if it goes on long enough, eventually the question of the representation of women in the film. Everyone knows what it is, everyone is arguing about it, everyone discussing whether the "force of attraction" passes the test (no) and then argue about whether it even matter (no) and whether the mere fact that they are discussing the question of whether this matter is significant (yes). As follows test is not new. Topic representation george clooney golden globes of women (too small) film is completely new - in fact, he was one of the film was. But suddenly this year he was everywhere. george clooney golden globes This, of course, entirely george clooney golden globes positive development - the subject is important and the best thing we can do about it is to talk about it - although george clooney golden globes at certain points of the year he crossed the border to overexposure. If the only thing that interests you B"ch attraction "is whether it passes the test as follows - it's time to replace access.
The film "Veronica Mars" Export March 2014, after which raised millions of dollars Bkixatrtr. Also next film Zach Braff. Also next film Spike Lee, although after people have watched "Seven Steps" there is a situation that many of them will void the donation. It does not stop here. If you are optimistic, you can announce that from now on, creator who has enough fans can raise money without suck up the studio - and this is one revolution.
Most just had to give this award to the "ex-patriot", but it Troling. This name is the only reason george clooney golden globes anyone was aware of the existence of the film. More irritating instances where films with good names Israel names were given an entirely mention, it is impossible to distinguish them from dozens of films are the same: "The Way Way Back," which became "The Way, Way Back" (where a completely non-existent content, tells us only the film There is a man named Duncan), or worse, the way a film whose original name was "American Bullshit" has become the country to film "American Dream" (via "American Hustle"). Disgusting.
But if you choose one name stood out Bbizarioto year, it has to be the fiasco "the enemy within us Star Trek." Name three words that succeeds in being wrong so many reasons. I realized that Jay. Jay. Abrams himself confirmed that name. Oh, well, that's not exactly the only wrong decision he received in connection with this film.
This film was supposed to leave the country, and rejected, a

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