Saturday, March 28, 2015

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The truth is that I came up in arms in advance movie. Ready to kill. Eran Riklis I am a fan, and I think that when we built in shape is one of the best cinematic. But I think through lost. The fame he bought movies Israeli Hebrew-speaking, who deal Israeli issues. And now, it has been a second film which is selling himself the Hollywood machine. He is trying to make it big out there. The first attempt was a failed attempt. "Playoff" penelope cruz oscars was the subject of an Israeli film with actors Hotzlartzim who spoke English and was the least good film career. But here he gets on his horse again, several Israeli story with a British production Hollywood actor. And again ... wait a minute. This time it's not so bad. Although this film is problematic, but is much better M"flieof ". First, Haotntiot: There is a very great rigor language. We've seen Hollywood: American films Germans speak English. penelope cruz oscars And Turks. And the Arabs (with strangers, and among them). They have to sell the film, so they all speak English. Not here. No You stay alive. " By Eran Riklis, his new film, most of the film speaks Arabic and English, and there are also some Hebrew (especially when something happens that is not good Israeli soldier, so he lets out a curse. Usually this "bastard" or "fuck". Oh, wait. "Cup Esq "It Arabic). Eran Riklis made sure this time I believe what happens in the movie have been his choice to stick to the correct spoken language. In addition, this time seeing the money on the screen. Eran Riklis time staff with Danish photographer Dan Laustsn (known penelope cruz oscars mainly as a photographer of horror penelope cruz oscars and action). And the photographer is doing a magnificent job here in the movie. First he shoots penelope cruz oscars most of the movie in blue. Something yellow but faded. Something that receives sunlight, but dulls it, makes it less glamorous. penelope cruz oscars Mediterranean sun usually brings me Summer associations, happy. Laustsn my painting our solar colors darker, more melancholic. And secondly, Laustsn move the camera a lot, in many situations loads of energy.
A Palestinian child, an Israeli soldier. If only the film was loaded as dramatic as this picture. And third, this time the main actor choice justifies itself. I do think that Riklis could have chosen an Israeli actor who does a good job at least as Stephen Dorff, but I think Dorff does a very good job here. His name was also mentioned in the credits as one of the producers of the film, so I think he was a lot more player for rent. I felt that he had invested his heart and soul in this project. He did say only a few words in Hebrew, but it is evident that he has worked with so-called Dialogue coach, and his Israeli accent sounds perfect. penelope cruz oscars And his physical reactions, with his face, everything proves that the man brings himself to this project, and is certainly present in it affects him. But all here to serve the script, which is, shall we say gently, problematic. It starts with the film even begin from the side of the child. Of Palestinians. It's a bit arrogant to me on the part of Israeli director penelope cruz oscars to tell the Palestinian story. But say I'm going with this. There is something very superficial in this film. Superficial description of the relationships between the characters, so many things are taken for granted, but it is not so, and therefore does not touch the film emotionally. Brief scene between father and son at first is not enough to give the emotional background of what happens right after that, so I do not inserted enough below the child's skin to experience what happens to him. The same thing happens with the feeling of rejection of the Palestinians in Lebanon. How many times in the movie tell them: "Go home", penelope cruz oscars "Go back to Palestine" and all sorts of curses such, but that is the specifications. No screenwriter mechanism to explain the feeling of a child who has no place to go except back to Israel his ancestors. penelope cruz oscars No construction of private situations to explain the rules. All the air. Such as the screenwriter choice to place the child as Shatila refugee camp. Yes, this place. Every Israeli should know what this place means. Even those who have not seen the Israeli "Waltz penelope cruz oscars with Bashir" (which is pretty much) should have a dim idea about what happened there. But the script would not use this figure. Perhaps the child has to go back there at the end and be a victim of that massacre. His grandfather may have to be sacrificed. Maybe they will escape at the last minute. None of it was in the movie. So why take the decision to begin this screenplay? Moreover, penelope cruz oscars at some point during the journey of this child soldier and they reach a kind of fairground abandoned. That's when I felt the film script logic districts abandoned and left to surrealism. But nothing directing or game does not support it, and this scene remains penelope cruz oscars puzzling and disruptive flow of the film. Somewhere at the end becomes clear statement by Eran Riklis. The thought that the people of these two nations injured (Israelis and Palestinians) really want and can make peace, but those are the leaders of these two nations prevent it. Erect the fences hate these (and the end of this film creates longing another movie, better Riklis' The Syrian Bride "). But because this film indeed very beautiful to the eye, and impressive, but there is no emotional support to the story, there is no validity to saying that, and it remains as a project indeed invested a lot of effort, but in the end it is also vague and insignificant. Not a bad movie, just not good enough. Not with this film Riklis conquer Hollywood. PS "Stay alive"? Really? About getting a movie you might even think you entered the wrong movie. Opening titles appear at the beginning, with the original name "Zeitoun" (Hebrew, Arabic, and English). Someone penelope cruz oscars decided to try to mislead the public, and make him think that this is an American film, because they change the names on the left and right. Public a little more intelligent than that. Ethan Weitz follow in Twitter, or contact me by email: Thank you for coming and you read. I would be happy to host you again in my blog at: penelope cruz oscars
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