Monday, March 23, 2015

At this point, the film seems to go in the direction of Christian charity and divine enlightenment,

Cinematic agustin de anda genius with ASP | Yael Israel does wind
Passover is hard to understand why the film and came directly to the TV, which also won numerous awards, including several major awards at the festival "Sundance". Maybe it's related to the fact that this movie is very gray and bleak, agustin de anda although not completely hopeless, but it is hard, very hard to watch.
And "Hard" film version of the Gods "irreversible" (Gaspar Noe's French), but otherwise difficult. As a film about violence, agustin de anda hardly show where the violence itself. Considine, himself the son of the British working class slums grew up during those difficult and violent described his film, skipped over the violence itself, and shows the results: the howling of a dog heartbreaking before he was assassinated, blue lamp remains of the heroine after her husband beat her, and so on.
Which is what makes his excellent greatness drama, agustin de anda and leaves it in the field "British dramas agustin de anda fine but small." It's a great movie that his director was tempted to introduce violence which deals with film, and that's exactly what makes the film so horrific.
This brings me to the film's British director another promising young Steve McQueen (not blue-eyed American star from the sixties, but Steve McQueen British video artist Art developed a very interesting film director), whose film "Hunger" (no less ambitious M"tirnozaor ") , going with disgust, violence and pain to the end, as a kind of horror on the extinction represents the body.
His "hunger" strike deals with "dirty" and the hunger strike of the political prisoners of the IRA in 1981. These prisoners refused to be considered criminal, and demanded that Margaret Thatcher would recognize them as political prisoners. Since refused by the British agustin de anda government refused to wear prison clothes and went naked, refused to wash and smeared the feces on the walls of the cells.
I brought an example of the "hunger" of McQueen in the face of restraint driving Considine film "Tirnzoor", to show that you can curb the desire to shed the viewer agustin de anda more Imaz Jim of violence, and even then succeed agustin de anda in dealing with the issue, maybe even better deal with it.
"Trinoseor" is about a widow about 60 years old, discouraged and depressed (actor-director superb Peter Mullan, known in the country precisely because of the excellent film "The Magdalene Sisters" which he directed), vent their frustration and bitterness at the world in the form of violence at anything that moves: his dog, a group of boys in the pub , known pawnshop, even his tin shack in the yard, which he shatters sledgehammer blows with anger.
At this point, the film seems to go in the direction of Christian charity and divine enlightenment, which will redeem the tormented soul of the unfortunate man and Hmamll. Another possibility is Shiirkm novel range between man and woman, and it illuminates the film romance we all like to think it. But it turns out, it is not so completely ...
Considine did not stop to click on the viewer's throat all the way, even though he was careful all the time not to show the violence, and as mentioned, precisely because it is unable to terrorize us even more than horrified us Steve McQueen's camera Hunger ", which also catches the viewer throat and not let go.
So happy in Britain created a shift fine young directors, who only follow Mike Leigh and Ken Loach, members of the previous shift (who also followed the children of shift preceded them: film director "kitchen sink" of the sixties). But what caught me Paddy Considine agustin de anda is not only a fine job as a director, screenwriter and gifted player, but except for his biography I found out just now, when Giglio network to find something on it.
For acting and directing are crafts "social", what is most important to them is good communication with others, it is known as Asperger's syndrome that afflicted patients suffer from poor communication with others. Even Considine himself testifies that he usually feels cut off from people, like a wall between him and them invisible. And what's even more interesting, he was diagnosed syndrome two years ago at the age of 36.
Who sent him to be examined was the wife for 20 years, apparently felt the years that anything different then, although it functions excellent husband and father, and certainly as a professional deal. Considine himself testifies that he always felt different, and that is what caused him to "play" in front of people, "playing a normal person." It seems that it was because of the distress was born from a great filmmaker ...
By yaelisrael, agustin de anda on September 5, 2012 at 12:53 pm, under Cahiers du Cinema. Tags: The Magdalene Sisters, Tirnzoor, Michael Fasvendr, Michael Caine, kitchen sink films, Paddy Konidein, Peter Mullan, Sundance Festival, British cinema, agustin de anda hunger, AS. No comments
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