Monday, March 23, 2015

Love at the end of the world. Not recommended. Yuan McGregor and Eva Green Instinct perfect

First I have to explain: It's true that I get to see a lot of movies before anyone else. And this despite, not because of. Although I actually do not carry with me a press pass. And that even though I am, in fact, alone in my blog. And that even though artimus fowl I am, in fact, a fairly simple (just see a lot of movies. Too many times). So while trying my blog to be as up to date as possible. But I can not always. And so went the members in the "scratch" have already written quite a bit about the British Film Festival. And those who have been unable to find articles about the festival on other websites. And I came to this festival yesterday. Only day I can start raising Posts about. Sorry, forgiveness, retrospectively and retroactively. And now to the point. "Perfect Sense". Perfect, 'Eleq. David McKenzie is a director who already has a mileage certain Israeli cinema screens. All movies directed since 2003 (four in number) were distributed in the country. None have actually seen (not really = I saw pieces of them. TV. Before I transferred to another channel). I think it was in May estimated by critics. It seemed to me that he just sex-maniac (there are quite a few sex scenes in his films). And now, after seeing his first film completely, I do not really understand why it is so appreciated. I appreciate that many people see the movie, they mistake it deep and important. It's probably because McKenzie knocks on the head with a hammer five pounds this movie is important. It's not. "Perfect Sense" goes like this: A guy meets a girl. They start out (and because it's a film by David Mackenzie , then yes: they also fuck. Quite a few). In the background is raging epidemic. People around the world are losing their senses gradually. Each step epidemic starts artimus fowl showing his emotions extreme, artimus fowl then - loss of smell. Then the loss of taste. Then hearing loss. and every step is tested capability human adaptation to the new situation. In the background - a love story strange. did not really understand the symbolism of this story, but the fact that he was actually quite interesting. Correction: It would have been interesting. If he was in charge of the hands of another director. David MacKenzie stroke his film narration Against the background of pompous music of great significance, whips shivering completely unnecessary, increasing artificial tension by combining rhythmic music and Rampage with a camera - oh, and a combination of Newsreel photographs, artimus fowl including images of world leaders (for this meaningful film. Or at least he thinks so).
Love at the end of the world. Not recommended. Yuan McGregor and Eva Green Instinct perfect "One of the things taught in film schools is to maintain the credibility of the world that the film builds. It does not matter if the film is about spaceships landing over Mars. If I do not believe the legality of the world I experience (and all the world there is legal) - a waste of time. I did not believe for one moment Instinct perfect ". Has been one of the scenes at the beginning of the introduction of guy a girl has a moment artimus fowl when she moves to tears without warning. It looks artificial. It feels artificial. And that dictates everything that happens in the movie then: I appreciate the attempt, but I got lost very quickly in this film. What remains to try to decipher the riddle, and try not to get upset too extroverted cinema of this director. The truth I had not planned artimus fowl to see this movie. But yesterday I saw three movies. The first and the last I had planned to see. I saw a means to pass the time (and to finally artimus fowl meet this director). Goals have been achieved. Time passed. I met the director. But it was not a pleasant experience. So if you are looking to pass your time these screenings of this film, I would recommend - avoid. Look for another movie. The following screenings of "Perfect Sense" British Festival: 15/02 Haifa Cinematheque on 19/02 at the Sderot Cinematheque and 22/02 Rosh Pina Cinematheque firm Weitz Thank you for coming and you read. I would be happy to host you again in my blog at:
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February 2012 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat January and March 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Recent artimus fowl Entries French Film Festival: breathe stories wild: Samba Audit: Audit French Film Festival: Timbuktu French Film Festival: Hippocrates Twitter Also: French Film Festival: artimus fowl "Next time I'll put heart". A film that really tries to be "Taxi Driver." He did not. And Guillaume Kana great. 5 hours ago French Film Festival: I love Francois Ozon, and his new one is impressive, but "my new friend" is as good as his. And Doris great novel. artimus fowl 5 hours ago Besides, the French Festival "father or mother." Also be distributed in the country. You can see, but do not have to. Funny and quite entertaining, but there was potential for something much better. 1 day ago French Film Festival: "breathe". artimus fowl Director: Melanie Laurent. Will not be distributed in the country. Probably. Thus imperative duty must see. A wonderful movie. The best I've seen in 2015. Meanwhile. 1 day ago "Timbuktu" as I feared. Great movie. Not a good movie. 5 hours ago Followeithanwe artimus fowl Recent Comments Moses on French Film Festival: breathe Abner on French Film Festival: Timbuktu Ron on French Film Festival: a meeting with Eric Toledano and Olivier artimus fowl knocked on Ron Darling: Avishai criticism on Mami: Audit follow the blog via email
Wild stories - 4 stars darling - 4 Stars samba - 4 stars still Ellis - 4 stars Whale - 4 star goes further - 3.5 stars cake - 3.5 stars labeled - Corn Island 3.5 Stars - 3 Stars Birdman - American Sniper 3 star - 3 star game imitation - 2 stars The Secret Service - 2 stars Mami - 2 stars Princess artimus fowl - niche

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