Monday, March 30, 2015

So I continue to go on websites of foreign film academies to search academy awards stream for inter

So I continue to go on websites of foreign film academies to search academy awards stream for interesting movies and intriguing nominations lists. A few days ago, when I reviewed the list of nominations of the Swedish Academy, I also went on the Danish Academy's official. It said: January 26, 2014. I thought, well, we'll wait until January 26th for publication nominations. But I was wrong. I went through a Web page that day again. And pressed a button where I discovered my mistake: this is not release date for nominations. This Date ceremony itself. The nominations have been published recently. (Well, what do you want from me ?! I do not understand the Danish ...) So I set to work. And here is an overview of the films that fill the list of nominations academy awards stream of the Danish Academy academy awards stream of Film 2014: First distinguishing one: "nymphomaniac", the film is so expected of Lars von Trier, academy awards stream probably was released in Denmark after the deadline of the Academy, so it is not included in the list of nominations this year. Apparently this is a case similar to what happened last year with "hunted" by Thomas Vinterberg. academy awards stream Indeed, "hunted" academy awards stream Funk Year by the Academy of Denmark, academy awards stream and is the candidate with the number of nominations academy awards stream largest, 14: Movie Award, and Director (Vinterberg), screenplay, actor (Meds Miklsn), Supporting Actor, Supporting Actress (two players from this film competing for this award), Best Art Direction, photography, costumes, academy awards stream makeup, academy awards stream editing, sound, and music. Diagnosis second: Unlike as nominations for the prize of Sweden, with the neighbor south of the selection much smaller. The films that candidates play a very small number of films. In fact, Even "Only God forgives" the problem of Nicolas Winding Refn managed to collect his lap 6 nominations: Director (Winding Refn), Actress (Kristin Scott Thomas), Best Art Direction, photography, sound, and music. diagnosis Third - Annette K. Olsen, director Danish Fine, who visited Israel with Her previous ("little soldier", an excellent film which was screened at the Haifa) directed this year a new movie. The trailer intriguing proves Olsen only makes ambitious more and more with each movie. trailer you will also see the actress permanent Olsen, Trina Dirhulm (already familiar to viewers in Israel with her performances Only Love "by academy awards stream Susanne Bier and royal Story" academy awards stream by Nicholas Marcel) and Nicholas Lee Cass ("idiots"). Still, this intriguing film is mentioned academy awards stream only once in the list of nominations - Effects category. Disappointment. Fourth diagnosis - another disappointment. Soren cold-Iakovsn academy awards stream directed the late '90s film Highly around the world (and was also screened in Israel). A movie called "Mifune's Last Song". Since it is pretty much gone for me. This year he directed a new film called "Linex time" (I'm guessing this is that Links - a wild cat, but can also be a different interpretation). The story is about a female priest obvious by taking academy awards stream care of Lisbeth help her treatment of a young man who wishes to commit suicide. The guy, who the murder of an elderly academy awards stream couple, argues that it was God Himself who speaks to him. The priest comes to see him. And the film is what develops from there. The fact Trailer intriguing, but "Linex time" just nominated for 2 awards Robert: Actress and Supporting Actress. So who still candidates? After "hunted", these films lead the list of candidates of the Danish Academy of Robert prize: a woman in a cage - Michael Noragard (outside Denmark The film is also known as "Keeper of Lost Hopes") Truth trailer suggests something special. But even if it's academy awards stream "only" a fine well-made thriller, it's something, is not it?
Trailer pretty academy awards stream much tells it all - a fallen cop (Nicholas me Cass, "idiots") is transmitted by person responsible for him (Soren Philmrk, "Kingdom") department coordinates investigations academy awards stream 'cold', those lying archives for several years and still no hope Lapitzohn . And he, in conjunction Assad, assistant Muslim in his (Fares Fares, from the film The Swedish "Yalla Yalla") begin to explore and discover new things. until, probably, they discover the woman disappears, everyone thought she committed suicide, locked in a box. That's what the trailer number. This is what looks like an entertaining thriller that might be very enjoyable academy awards stream to watch. the script, by the way, signed Marcel Nicolai, who also adapted the screenplay the book "The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo", and he also directed "royal story." "A woman in a cage" candidate to 14 Percy Robert: Film, Director, Screenplay (Marcel), actor (I CASS), actress (Sonja academy awards stream Richter, "open academy awards stream Loves" by Suzanne Bier), Supporting Actor (Fares Fares), Best Art Direction, photography, costumes, makeup, editing , sound, music, and effects. Sfis and Galistrof academy awards stream - Christopher Bo (outside Denmark film is also known as "sex, drugs, and taxes") tradition of American movies studying the iconic characters who led the flower children of the '60s, and the culture of sex and drugs of the time , a similar film also comes from Denmark. Based on true events, the film tells the story of the partnership strange between Simon Sfis (played by Philo Asbk, lead actor winner the main prize of Robert last year, "kidnapping at sea"), a playboy millionaire whose life spree sex and drugs never-ending, and Mogens Galistrof, Attorney serving the capitalist system. academy awards stream The clash between the inherent conservatism of the lawyer and the absolute freedom and everything that's extrovert playboy changed both, and even led to the establishment of the first cheap airline of Denmark, and change the whole system of taxation of Danish government in the 60s. This is all well and good, but what about the film itself? The trailer, pointing, apparently, the film will interest mostly people are discussing (and only people of a certain age). On the other hand, similar American movies (say, "On the Road" last year) not really stimulated my curiosity. But there is no denying the spectacular design and photography of this film, and the special Danish humor. So that perhaps academy awards stream there is something in this film. "Sfis academy awards stream and Galistrof" nominated for 13 awards academy awards stream Robert: film, screenplay, actor (

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