Thursday, January 30, 2014

Beyond the historical part of the film does not really have discovered other problems. It was beaut

First, let's start there, Chris Colfer is an incredibly diverse people. Pretty good singing actor as a professional blood, as well as a successful children's book publishers, and now it was the head of screenwriting. Unbelievable but true: Struck by Lightning he wrote, and the preparation works of the film attended. If nothing else, but the versatility to be respected. One thing is for sure: there is something to learn in screenwriting, because this film is anything but perfect. Basically, do not mind if there is no happy ending at the end of the film, the sad dramas nor repelled by it, in Struck by Lightning, however, I do not know what it was. Too hilarious drama, comedy, however, is too dark. You're welcome rest onto the token dramedy, grammys best new artist but I feel like I do not fit in it because he wanted to communicate to all kinds of film loftier goal, rather than to present a story. That is why I wrote in the post title, I have no idea what to call this movie. Oh, and the loftier goal has not managed to figure out the message. Perhaps it would have been not to take life seriously, and do not fight for our dreams to the young? Really, it's grammys best new artist like a message?
Now, about the story ... I do not know how I'll shoot down spoiler that is already apparent in the first scene, the main hero swat a lightning bolt (hence the title), which includes fish immediately. The film was actually tells it how it is lived in Carson Philips, how gürizett the álmaiért how hard it was for school integration. We've had a whole lot about the family background grammys best new artist of, which was anything but not too rosy, otherwise grammys best new artist the last thread pretty well managed. Of course, knowing that the hero is dead, I could not enjoy the story. I could not root for him, because I knew that it will end. When only be revealed at the end of the film due to lightning, so that would be the really big WTF things from the whole would be much reliásabb. I messed up ... so it's the whole movie. Anyway, basically nothing new in store for all. Be known from a small American town, from where the local literary ambitions fondling guy definitely wants to escape, while the rest of their problems, the average high school are struggling as to what should be the senior prom, or to assume that they are gay. They are not original is not included in the film, the main enjoyment factor is already lost in the first minute.
But this film could have been interesting if, for example by better cost him his players. Would have been interesting fact is that it changes the students survived Carson's death, but it seems absolutely nothing happened. Life went on, but I noticed a lack of guy - maybe that was the whole point of it all? Absolutely what did it say? I'm sorry to write this down, but mostly just scraping the surface, although whether he could have done much more. Basically, the characters have been interesting, for example, Claire, the cheerleader or the warmth to take on two guys could not. It would have cocoa in them, as Malerie in all, it has the full range of actors. But none of them expressed their details, they simply were instead puzzled or have entertained. As I wrote, the surface is scraped, but in a movie, where the hero dies in the first minute, it is simply not enough. ((In The Carrie Diaries not be so popular if they were not good in the supporting cast as Carrie's fate already grammys best new artist know.)) Ergo these types of stories, dog duty would be to build a side shapes, but not superficially, but normally.
Beyond the historical part of the film does not really have discovered other problems. It was beautifully photographed, it was sort of classy, beautiful landscapes we saw came to me in the whole city of millions. I loved it. The special was good, the music was emphatic in part, because the movie for young people expect from something like this. As for the actors, so real sztárparádét collected. Okay, specifies the names of most people might not say anything but bass, a series of fans, like me, that you were in Canaan. Without being exhaustive, they are included in the film. Chris Colfer (Glee), Christina Hendricks (Mad Men), Dermot Mulroney (New Girl), Allison Janney (The West Wing), Sarah Hyland (Modern Family), Ashley Rickards grammys best new artist (A wkward), Graham Rogers (much hot in this, as the in Revolution), Matt Propkop (Modern Family), Robbie Ammell (Revenge), Polly Bergen (Desperate Housewives), Allie Grant (Suburgatory) and the lovely Rebel Wilson (Perfect Pitch). Now really, what is this if not a star parade? There are so many good actors and I loved gathered here, I have only been worth it for them, if you get some good quality stuff ...
Rating: grammys best new artist 5/10 Unfortunately, I had so much in Struck by Lightning, although it may also be that I expect a lot from this kind of independent film. Historically, the story left me cold many times, grammys best new artist because I knew what was going to end. In any case, they were likeable points

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