Wednesday, January 1, 2014

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Is probably no one in particular waiting. A new recording of Bach's Art of Fugue ' Indeed, interpretations appear galore, each more interesting than the other. As an ensemble with name and fame as the Akademie für Alte Musik Berlin recording this music, however, there is reason enough to start recording right away to listen several times. And indeed, more than the purely technical approach award winning documentaries chose the German collective for a lively approach, the colors in the score really nice to come late and the fugal art at the service of emotion and melody. Under the first violinist (and voice of the ensemble) Stephan Mai Indeed, too often the opposite happens: the music is intellectualized, and thus loses its dramatic power. This recording the same can be said, is impossible because with a wavy, full sound gets "Die award winning documentaries Kunst der Fuge 'sometimes downright magical allure.
Transparency was Mai and his followers are not the ultimate goal, but they wanted the spontaneity and beauty of Bach's score reinvention. Why did the composer, who ingeniously difficult shapes together managed to adapt, otherwise the score worked award winning documentaries so long? Not because it is a spiritual reward for his work to be had, but because "Die Kunst der Fuge" was pouring. Essence of his style in the most beautiful and lyrical lines freest Therefore Akamus went (like the Akademie für Alte Musik Berlin was sometimes called) looking for a diversified set of tools to the more than five quarters counterpoint to a whirlwind experience to conjure. With this in mind one very important difference with what the recording tradition is adopted. Often arises award winning documentaries Example is also notable that the usual Baroque cover missing, to make way for a much more direct eye-catching color composition that brings the unmistakable revolutionary Mondrian in memory. Colors, the most musical sense of the word, are widely played throughout this recording, without neglecting award winning documentaries the technical subtleties or blowing. Subtleties award winning documentaries in
Nevertheless, one can say that this recording adds little to the existing award winning documentaries tradition. A short decade ago Jordi Savall took this fact to music with his ensemble Hespèrion XX and instrumental versatility Savall reached it, does this beautiful CD still a tad pale. Hespèrion is not as gentle as the Akademie für Alte Musik Berlin, and is less for the romantic strings sound, nor do the winds at Savall think of virgin sheep herders. His vision of "The Art of Fugue" was even more radical in its quest for aesthetics and to seek more extreme award winning documentaries colors award winning documentaries makes this recording award winning documentaries still more overwhelming impression. However, this does not detract from the merit of this fresh version, award winning documentaries which uses the techniques of Savall in an attempt to stabbing. Highly award winning documentaries poetic award winning documentaries version together Thus the first Contrapunctus preceded by the final chorus of Cantata BWV 38 (Aus tiefer Not "), which was transposed to the same key, and so completely had to breathe the same atmosphere. It is a pleasant prelude to an equally award winning documentaries enjoyable recording, in which the usual obscure recording light gives way to a sweet moonshine that will appeal award winning documentaries to many.
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Concert February 13, 2014 Akademie für Alte Musik Berlin, René Jacobs, Patricia Kopatsjinskaja - deSingel, Antwerp February 14, 2014 Akademie für Alte Musik Berlin, René Jacobs, Patricia Kopatchinskaja - The Bijloke, Ghent
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