Friday, January 17, 2014

- Then I realized it, it was quite shameful to sit at home with him and drink the wine. It was like

Published 05/02/13, at 15.23. / Updated the golden globe awards 30/08/13, at 16.07.
And Ida Maria talks about how it was supposed to go on stage after drinking twelve beers and a bottle of Jack Daniels - and the episode that made her realized that she was an alcoholic, and eventually checked himself into rehab.
Oslo Ess: Old school rock'n'roll On tour in Finland'll buy liquor at public Ida Maria: I thought life was over - the band was dissolved in four hours a healthier turnéliv Rusmarinerte plates Opinions
But when Asmund had to escape from the guards on the Finnish boat was not Knut Oscars with. He had decided to have a white January, that is to stay away from alcohol for a month, and had therefore gone to bed. But when he came to Helsinki, he found out it was a bad plan.
- I realized how stupid it was. It would be like going to Greece with the bunch on vacation, and then say right before leaving: "Guys, I think I drive sober all week." It had been poorly done for you.
P3 Documentary joined Oslo Ess on tour in Finland. It was not exactly a white month, as bassist Knut Oscar (right) initially envisioned. (Photo: Siri Knudsen / Frøseth Isaac Corporation) the golden globe awards
- You do not write the best tunes on the way home from SATS, you write them once you have been on two-week tour and wonder if you can stand on their feet. That's when all the rock'n'roll you hear from the 70's, that's how the rock is made, and that's how our rock is created. You need to sort out and create stories to write down.
- I managed to outrun them, just as Asmund did the first night. But then I'm tryna and injured arm. And when I came back in the bar later, so the guards me and tried to throw me out. I showed them the finger, and then clicked it for them. Woke up on a slippery cell
Five years ago, had to Ida Maria drinks for the courage to go on stage. She realized later that it was the thought of quitting drinking was the scariest.
Ida Maria goes on stage during a concert in Boston in 2009. She drank 12 beers and a bottle the golden globe awards of Jack Daniels. On stage she is going through two songs before she can not sing more. She does not remember the text of the songs - she never forgot the lyrics before - and get blackout.
When Ida Maria broke through and started touring the golden globe awards life, she discovered that she had found a job where she could drink as much as she wanted it thrown in was free, it was encouraged to do so, and that she could even do the job drunk. She drank so much that she eventually was unable to refrain from drinking before the concert. If she had started drinking before a concert she had to continue in the show to not get withdrawal. The times she tried to not drink during the concerts she got blackouts - then because of withdrawal symptoms.
Ida Maria's alcoholic, but she can not understand it completely myself. She's so young! She sees other people, see friends she has grown up, gone to school with, they do not behave like her when they drink.
- Daily life for me at the time, what can I say, it was not pretty. You are terrified to go out of the door, for you have anxiety that goes beyond all categories, and you're scared all the time, and all this is because of the alcohol. I had also the perception that "if I drink in social layer, then I guess not an alcoholic," so I was very keen to be out in public when I drank, which had peculiar results, says Ida Maria.
The artist had many moments where she woke up after an extreme party and thought she could not keep on like this anymore, but it was only when she got to LA she discovered that she had a problem and that she had to stop.
Ida Maria spent much time with a friend who had struggled with drug problems. She never drank with him, it would be stupid, she thought, since he himself had struggled with substance abuse. One evening he noticed however that Ida Maria had strong the golden globe awards withdrawal, and he ran right into a store, bought wine and asked Ida Maria drinks. the golden globe awards
- Then I realized it, it was quite shameful to sit at home with him and drink the wine. It was like, now I know, this is not cool. But I'm actually addicted to this here, and it is a handicap the golden globe awards for me in so many ways, and I'm going to have to bring me alcohol wherever I go, I need access to it, and I have to make sure to know where I can buy it and I am not free. Fog lifts
Ida Maria got help through the charity MusiCares and was in rehab for seven months. the golden globe awards It was the best time of her life. She finally got help. Ida Maria on stage at the Coachella Festival in the U.S. in 2009. (Photo: AP Photo / Chris Pizzello)
- I had to learn things again simply. I had drunk myself completely senseless, my life had completely gone down the drain, I had no control any longer, I had been totally absurd choice and had completely absurd solutions to things and tried everything possible

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