Thursday, January 2, 2014

More George Frideric Handel - Agrippina George Frideric Handel - Belshazzar Johann Sebastian Bach

The best-known tunes that Johann Sebastian Bach composed almost all come from his four orchestral suites or overtures': the 'aria' in G, the "Badinerie" that the second suite shut ... That is not surprising, because French-style suites such as Bach and countless others they wrote, were intended as popular (dance) music.
The date of composition of Bach's four suites includes a lot of doubt. Bach wrote them probably early in his career but the only handwritten scores consisting of four works are orchestral Bach subsequent performances in Leipzig set you up. However, Bach often used for such older music concerts and he immediately applied occasionally also to the orchestration. It seems likely that the suites were originally only for strings composed. The trumpets in the third and fourth suite, with flutes that are so important physics concepts and connections solo role playing in the second or oboes from the first suite was so at a later time is added to the music. That way Bach's physics concepts and connections orchestral suites offer musicologists and listeners an insight into Bach's own composition process, and in the way Bach previously composed music to fit changing circumstances.
A new recording with the Akademie für Alte Musik Berlin is not really surprising: that's just right. physics concepts and connections So it is with these orchestral suites. Bach's music sounds clear and refined. The zeal with which the Brandenburg Concertos (Harmonia Mundi HMG 501634.35) were anticipated, here is what tempered but replaces a French refinement that the character of each typical court dance forward: from the gavottes with their pompous severity, Gigues lively but not too lively, the "Polonaise" from the second suite with a stiff Polish peasant character. On too many theatricality of the Akademie für Alte Musik Berlin is not aiming again: music in the French style as it remains in essence that courtly and somewhat artificial preserved.
Handsome moments there are so plenty on this CD and there need to be only a few highlighted: the lively dance movement in the opening part of the fourth suite, with its triumphant trumpets works particularly well, as the smooth bourrées from the first, third and fourth suite is played exactly enough jollity. The famous 'Air' play from the third suite Berlin musicians calm but not too slow, so that one of Bach's most famous melodies, does not suddenly get more value than it lying around dance moves. 'La Rejouissance', which ends the fourth suite, sounds like an explosion of energy and enthusiasm. The 'overture' of the second suite shows a greased to perfection interplay between transverse flute and strings ... Altogether this results in a recording of Bach's four suites that match the high level of previous Bach recordings with this beautiful baroque orchestra. More and does not have to be!
Johann Sebastian Bach - St Matthew Passion physics concepts and connections Giovanni Battista Pergolesi - Septem Verba a Christo in Cruce Moriente Prolata Akademie für Alte Musik Berlin, RIAS Chamber Choir, René Jacobs - Die Zauberflöte V / C - Laurence Equilbey physics concepts and connections & Accentus Antonio Vivaldi, Antonio Caldara - Cello Concertos
More George Frideric Handel - Agrippina George Frideric Handel - Belshazzar Johann Sebastian Bach - Die Kunst der Fuge Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - The Magic Flute Bach - Brandenburg Konzerte George Frideric Handel - Ode for the Birthday of Queen Anne - Dixit Dominus Georg Philipp Telemann - Brockes Passion Giovanni Benedetto Platti physics concepts and connections - Concerti Grossi Antonio Vivaldi - Double Concertos Johann Sebastian Bach - Mass in B minor Johann Sebastian Bach - Violin Concerto BWV 1052, Double Concertos physics concepts and connections for harpsichords, recorders, oboe
Concert February 13, 2014 Akademie für Alte Musik Berlin, René Jacobs, physics concepts and connections Patricia Kopatsjinskaja - deSingel, Antwerp February 14, 2014 Akademie für Alte Musik Berlin, René Jacobs, Patricia Kopatchinskaja - The Bijloke, Ghent
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