Tuesday, January 7, 2014

c Then complete field category (category) out (for the

To send pictures and video for Picture of the Year 2013 | Fotojournalisten
Deadline for Photo of the Year 2013 is Sunday 12th January 2014 at 23.59. This also applies to video / multimedia. The nominees will be published shortly by the jury. Competition results will be available and YEAR PICTURE crowned oskar rodriguez at the prize giving ceremony which takes place at the Victoria scene in Oslo on Friday 21 March.
1 Press Photographers (PK) organizes every year YEAR'S PICTURE. Photo of the Year is a photo and video contest to promote the journalistic image. Only members of the PK can join. The participation fee determined by the Board each year
1 News (NY) (single) 2 News Story (NYR) (3-8 images) 3 Daily life in Norway (DA) (single) 4 Sports Action (SA) (reportage / single picture) oskar rodriguez 5 Sports feature (SF) (reportage / single frame) 6 Portrait (PO) (single or series of up to 8 photos) 7 People / Open class (ME) (single) 8 Nature and Environment (NM) (single) 9 This year's documentary / reportage abroad (UTD) (unlimited photos) 10 This year's documentary / reportage inland (IND) (unlimited photos)
10 YEAR DOCUMENTARY / FEATURE NORWAY (unlimited photos). Best Documentary / reportage in more pictures from Norway which together form a complete and independent picture of journalism.
13 YEAR VIDEO DOCUMENTARY / MULTIMEDIA PROJECT / SERIES (OPEN CLASS) Photo and / or video must be conducted by PK member. Video Documentary / multimedia projects (maximum 30 minutes) and web TV series oskar rodriguez (maximum 30 minutes per episode). Multimedia Projects, ready-Web productions, web-TV series. This is the opening video class where participants can be done in collaboration with several, but the main part of the photo / video must be made by PK member.
D. Video Contributions submitted by sending the link to the finished product, or the dropbox link or similar to video file. Alternatively, you can upload your media server (see info below). Links and info about video / multimediprosjektet sent to styret@pk.no and mark the subject line with the Picture oskar rodriguez of the Year - video link. Please oskar rodriguez include your name and membership number of the member oskar rodriguez submitting your contribution, to which category contribution shall participate in and info who did what in production.
3 The jury will premiere a winner in each group and rosemary Photo of the Year. Photo of the Year will be ONE single image, taken from the group winners. In each group should be three images / stories premieres. The jury may also premiere / honoring special photos oskar rodriguez if required based on the situation, such as. the funniest picture regardless of group, etc.
5 The same single image can not be sent into several groups. A maximum of three individual images from groups 2, 4, 5, 6, 9 and 10 may be submitted in groups of individual images. A separate copy must be made and submitted to the appropriate group. Submitted pictures must be cleared for publication.
6 Color and black / white images compete on an equal footing. Photos must be taken in the competitive calendar year, except oskar rodriguez in group 5, 6, 9 and 10, if a project oskar rodriguez has gone over several oskar rodriguez years. The condition is that the documentary / reportage must be completed in the competition year. This information must be provided, see Section 7
7 All photos oskar rodriguez must be submitted anonymously - except PKs 5-digit membership number. All images should ONLY be submitted digitally. Moreover, group, title / slogan and year of photography is confirmed. A short clarifying text should be written (names oskar rodriguez of people, place, situation, etc..). See separate guidelines for digital delivery.
If a submitter has shifted firmly employer during the year, please illuminated at what pressure means a picture / pictures to be credited with the photographer's name. This is done by sending a separate copy of the image to styret@pk.no.
9 Submitter undertakes to provide original oskar rodriguez material for disposal in connection with the publication and presentation of the Picture of the Year competition, as well as Photo of the Year-book and exhibits relating to the Picture of the Year contest. For any other use of images, the user agreement terms with photographer / copyright holder.
15 Manipulated photos, composition of multiple photos into a picture and double exposures are deprived of the opportunity to participate in the competition. Manipulation and / or alignment of the images is subject to the following restrictions: The original image (film or digital file) must never be changed except accepted darkroom techniques such as cropping, brightness (brightness), contrast and color adjustment, oppletting and dimming (burning and dodging).
b Series: The image filename must include (in this order) 5-PK digit number, group number, a proper name and then the number in the range image is. Example: 10619-2-jenin01 (where 10619 is the PK number, number 2 is the number of news reportage, Jenin is the name of the series and the number 01 stands for the first image in the series). If there are five images, it becomes: 10619-2-jenin01, 10619-2-jenin02, 10619-2-jenin03 etc.
c Then complete field category (category) out (for the

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