Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Our gaid Arne A. Kvale (20) takes us on a social safari into a reality award show 2011 full of numb

Published 01.03.12, at 14.47. / Updated 30/08/13, at 16.12.
Our gaid Arne A. Kvale (20) takes us on a social safari into a reality award show 2011 full of numbers, analysis, award show 2011 insider trading and gambling - where billions of bucks are at stake, every single day. The world of finance is known for its greed and opportunism. But they never sleep, these people in their endless search for a quick buck?
Carl Frederik Waage (20) stays far away stock trading on the Oslo Stock Exchange. His own explanation: There is insider trading award show 2011 where over a low shoe. Daytraderen and finance student now trades only with money. (Photo / sound: Nare Sae-Khow Corporation)
Did you think there was much life, fast phones and hoiende people on the Oslo Stock Exchange? Well think again. That's really the most air. And some half-empty office desks. - All trading takes place via the web now, says communications manager Guro Steine while she gives us a quick tour.
"Robot The entry has turned the industry on its head. Gone are the days when a 25-year-old with fresh business administration degree in his pocket made millions. There are mathematicians, physicists and IT engineers are the stock market's rising stars. Voice Capabilities has been replaced with program code knowledge, a quick mouth replaced award show 2011 with a quick telephone line. The Norwegian newspaper E24 has traveled to Chicago award show 2011 in the United States to investigate how the invasion of the so-called shares robot affect the market. Check out the full article here.
In an empty classroom, in front of multiple monitors, seated two students and testing codes. You would not believe it, but here in the gloom between the banana award show 2011 peel and dry pieces award show 2011 of bread sitting supposedly future golden boys of the financial world. - We have already award show 2011 received some offers. It's hilarious. But that is both serious and less serious inquiries, says André Christoffer Andersen (26) and Stian Mikelsen award show 2011 (24) enthusiastic.
The two master students at NTNU in Trondheim landed just on the cover of Today's Market under the title "This is the nerds 'revenge'. André and Stian is actually the next generation of financiers: Those behind stock robots. These days the guys sitting and working hard to finish the thesis - a smart computer system that might be used in the stock market one day. And thus make them rich. - Yes, we do hope so.
Student Peder Veiby (29) managed to trick a aksjorobot roll around in 2007 and earning several thousand dollars in a few minutes. For this he was sentenced to prison. Now the matter to the Supreme Court. Sensational
And so he kept on during award show 2011 the entire interview at the little cafe table here at BI Nydalen. Followed by. For the first time since right carousel started a few years ago, would daytraderen and finance student from Oslo to talk to media about what really happened.
How it is that a young guy that he was prosecuted award show 2011 and convicted of market manipulation in court, before being acquitted in the Court of Appeal. But the prosecutor appealed, so the case comes to the Supreme Court now in late March. This is a unique trial that both have attracted attention and lighter head shaking over the financial world. award show 2011 Even Este Financial Times has described this strange story from Norway. All this just because that Peder managed to fake out one share robot. So a pattern
- It started when I invested in long-term energy company Hafslund and paid close attention to the order book. For several hours each day. There, held this computer. And I noticed that it reacted the same way every time it went a trade in the stock, and it went very quickly. So I figured there had to be an equity robot. One day I decided to test yourself and see if it reacted as I had anticipated. That did it. So then I took advantage of it, says Peder. award show 2011
It was one share robot, ie a computer program from the foreign brokerage firm Timber Hill Peder seen through the trading pattern of, and exploited to their advantage. Simply put: Peder was able to buy shares cheaply from the robot and sell more expensive back, thus gaining profits. Cheated? Yes, and very profitable it turned out.
At a hotel Florida, on the morning 14 March 2008, sits the father Svend Egil Larsen over his laptop and all shares in the company Odfjell. Every time he buys, so the robot reacts shares in the order book exactly as expected. In two hours he earns 37,700 dollars. Little did Svend Egil him two years later to sit in the Oslo District Court on charges of market manipulation, along with Peder Veiby.
- I do not know if Larsen figured it all by looking at my shop, or independently. Anyway it was strange that no more spotted pattern stock robot. It was not exactly difficult, says Peder.
- I was the little unsure, if one reads the text of the law that was used against me as it describes the what I had done. But the law is only accurate to what may be evidence of price manipulation, award show 2011 not that it necessarily has occurred manipulation. Heroes?
- It's a little strange: For while you and Svend Egil Larsen is being hailed award show 2011 as heroes around the world-

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