Friday, July 4, 2014

and when KRD will force the pirates of immunity? If xxxz diet deputies, senators and councilors to

Even after July 1 will be subject to much stricter rules of the Criminal Code. This applies particularly drunken and drug-intoxicated offenders accidents. Driving forever lose the drivers who cause an accident, in which they will be injured.
A kiego exacerbate the penalty shoot and the case and the same with politicians for np.nie fulfilled election promises and life will be beautiful. Guest ... How can it be that they were more equal than others. How can they be untaxed money! because what because someone is a councilor? People on welfare pay taxes. This is not a normal country it is plain mess!
The exception cassandra s dream might be if a drunk driver is seriously ill person was driving and an accident cassandra s dream occurs on the way to the hospital - this text amused me to tears. Hands fall as you read such nonsense, and how can you go to the election and vote for these clowns who serve us so sick regulations. Such nonsense is only possible in POLANDII :) Jump on one and then grandmothers in the back seat and went out into the world as to what the grandmother to the hospital seriously ill am carrying. What a shallowness in our legislation. osch ----------- ------------------ outrageous ALERTS
and when KRD will force the pirates of immunity? If xxxz diet deputies, senators and councilors to lower the human level, this is just how many turned out to have real social cassandra s dream workers! Why does society need warranty as the cost of maintaining such a large bunch of slackers who. Like nothing you have not able to remedy. This so-called councilors helpless!
, Forever driving also lose drivers who cause an accident in which will hurt.'' cassandra s dream If this is true it will be a real revolution, in addition to drunk most get the 4 letters just those who cause 90% of accidents. Helpless jątrzeniu deliberate baiting? It's like we liquidate councilors and MPs, ie diet and local governments will have a democracy? cassandra s dream Someone probably depends on that we do not have representatives, they had no right to vote, did not have democracy? And incidentally, you, our representatives cost less than 3% of all bureaucrats in Poland, whose number has doubled in August. In contrast, the limit of councilors is always the same. Had to go back to the number of bureaucrats 5 years ago it would save 10 billion zł!
"Forever license also lose drivers who cause an accident in which will hurt." rannni or persons killed because that is the difference .... "Also, the driver, who under the influence of alcohol will result in a fatal car accident, receives a prohibition to drive forever - tells" No guest and what you write about this topic? something strange cassandra s dream about that, you do not have time to August ever?
how ever you do barbecue and drink a few beers August and your loved one will become something the heavy, then you will understand and stop to laugh like a clown. osch ----------- cassandra s dream ------------------ outrageous ALERTS
and which in the case of non-compliance with a judgment cassandra s dream of a court adjudicating such a ban? the driver responds to the prohibition of Art. 244 of the Penal Code, if while driving or for breaking the ban also will be tightened punishment? if not then what is the point of such a ban "forever"? and what offenses - that is targeting the use of alcohol, ie 0.5 per mille? should adjudicate forfeiture as an object cassandra s dream used to commit a crime-of course, with certain restrictions. Guest two years ago I bought sausages in the Gdansk store, as I fried it had become klejsta husband, and some dry stump no sausage.
Vodka and licentiousness. The shocking event in the police station naked torsos, cassandra s dream issued languages, palpation, and all the vodka pouring in torrents - already at first glance ...

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