Thursday, July 3, 2014

Well, dear solidarity, the problem normally there should be no. Already explain why. Any math tells

Przedwyborczo - solidarity and for Polish! |
Of course it would be more beautiful if Poland was prosperous, free, fair and strong country and if not you would need to look out for signs such gestures visitors or other signals and suggestions. Unfortunately, it is not, at least since 1945, but perhaps the next election will be the largest for many years an opportunity to reject the yoke of bondage that weigh on us almost since the end of the last world war.
Again, the simplest foto oscar solution - to which so very eager heart - would obtain such a result of the election, which would end at a moments notice all the considerations and combinations (whom to bribe here, how can cobble together a blockade against Poland, etc.). Imagine this, for example, 70 percent! End of discussion foto oscar and beautifully (or not beautifully - for losers) to you all, thank you. Time in Poland. Since many decades, is calling for a free Poland and patiently waits for her blood massacre, AK's process, Smolensk, embroidery and .... a long time could pull this litany Polish.
Consider for a moment and it's not in the online mode, but really quietly, seriously, individually and collectively (jointly and severally) mindful of Poland and realizing its current status and the need to repair our house.
Now the situation is in this way that if they did not count, it's the only real chance Unites red and pink ballast is the largest opposition foto oscar party. Such is the state of today. Yes, the situation looks a good few years. And just at that moment we reach the place of the heart of the problem.
Well, dear solidarity, the problem normally there should be no. Already explain why. Any math tells us to vote for PiS. It is evident that there are various doubts and questions, but looking on calmly and rationally at the situation and seeing almost unprecedented opportunity to sweep away the surface of the earth around the namiestniczego company, you should not have any doubts. How much simpler, foto oscar determine a strategy for the election only encourage as many Poles to vote for creation of the collapse, downfall and straightening your back and repair of the Republic. Let us be numerous and strong (as told to us JP2), let PiS worried that won, if they do not really know if he wants to.
If we are to date the reasons for the task PiS few questions, then a few months before the election, so let's foto oscar make that a huge number's vote on them. It is not the opposition, in this case, the PiS has to raise Poland, but WE, using the currently most efficient tool for doing so!
However, the victory did not get back to the privacy and only blogerskich actions. It may be, after all, so that the PiS winning start to combine or it turns out that it is somewhat entangled in red weeds. Then while not fanning out from the place we need to push on them and make it clear that we do not allow further układziki. Strong and free Polish do not build only sitting in front of computer screens. This will require continuous operation and mobilization. Solidarity lift the country out of the knee. But Poland to escape from the clutches of namiestniczych we can now only vote for a viable opposition force. No time to prattle about the true Polish party.
Remember that the April 10, 2010, in a sense washed in the blood of PiS victims and with one hand he gave the name of the party of people who have suffered a sacrifice for Polish, on the other hand that morning of April appeared PiS unambiguous direction - now, after joining the tradition of blood shed for the Homeland, you have been gifted with the yoke of responsibility and you must not waste it!
The case is so simple and clear. Let's vote on the real strength foto oscar and to work. I really do not see any problem. Law and Justice should - and it is our job - to be aware that receives great support from the Poles and that it is imperative to break the country of the disease, and that this or that victory was given to him by the hands of us and that if we find some improvisation, it will not be is no problem for us, so that we founded a political movement, because politics is not nothing wrong, it is a concern for the common good. Never was different and never will be. If the bigotry and cowardice do otherwise, it is their problem.
But why is not that simple? Well, because our dearest right-wing parties, that for some strange reason in the period preceding the elections every time they wake up successive foto oscar representatives of the real right, who try to explain to us that Kaczynski is kind of okay, but it really is complimentary.
Who knows, maybe some are, but if the choices I have only a couple of months, I know that no one had been able to throw our dear "elyty". Go ahead, if you have doubts about the person Jaroslaw Kaczynski, at least since the announcement of the outcome of the recent elections had to start working towards building a real right, which can convince a

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