Wednesday, July 30, 2014

For the rigorous report on the situation of the wrong oil in the country, focusing on potential eco

To win the Pulitzer Prize in 2013 National Reporting oscar travel category are Elizabeth McGowan, Lisa Song and David Hasemyer three journalists of InsideClimate News, tested with the U.S. Environmental coverages The Dilbit Disaster: Inside the Biggest Oil Spill You've Never Heard Of seven-month investigation on loss of millions of liters of oil sands in the Canadian River Kalamazoo finished in 2010. Behold, then, that one of the thorniest issues of the recent policy of the U.S. energy supply receives an unexpected popularity extending the investigation of three journalists also to more complex issues such as national oscar travel security of the pipelines on how the country is unprepared for the arrival of a more dangerous fuel oil. The Pulitzer was granted to three journalists, as stated oscar travel in the motivation oscar travel of the Prize Committee:
For the rigorous report on the situation of the wrong oil in the country, focusing on potential ecological dangers put in place by the diluted bitumen (, called dilbit, controversial form of oil.
The recent oil spill from a pipeline Arkansans ExxonMobil points out the relevance of this theme as well as, moreover, the approval or disapproval by the White House of 'Keystone XL oil pipeline.
And 'extremely rewarding for our work get recognition so high and I'm very proud of our entire team. It 'a turning point for our non-profit organization that deals with news, a good day for environmental journalism and a beacon of hope for the future of our profession.
InsideClimate oscar travel News is an online magazine for five years, non-profit and following topics such as clean energy, coal, nuclear energy and environmental sciences. The editorial staff consists of seven full-time professional journalists and a growing network of collaborators. We currently are collecting sources to get to full capacity in the next two or three years. The core funders InsideClimate consists of the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, the Foundation Marisla and the Grantham Foundation for the Protection of the Environment.
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