Sunday, July 6, 2014

Your problem is this ... You

Look who's talking? Your inner voice |
They can warn you against something or for something to reprove. Advise and defend. It is impossible not to hear them, the trick is wise to listen. Dialogue with the inner voices is necessary to not cut off from the vital energy.
Your problem is this ... You're hopeless, tnt latino en vivo you always have to invent tnt latino en vivo yourself a problem! You are selfish. Maybe you finally ceased to give, give, give! You should not have said that. You should be more spontaneous. If you do not you will be working twice as much as others do not reach. You need to slow down, relax się.Jesteś chosen one of the gods. You are fundamentally broken. How many such comments we hear every day in my head! Is it possible that we? So many grievances, dissatisfaction, aggression! So many contradictions! That's because we are not a monolith, a personality with a fixed, coherent system of values. It is "us" more, much more ... Schizophrenia? Not at all. Give them a voice
The idea of internal votes is almost as old as psychological knowledge. Various researchers and authors use its own terminology. Colin Sisson, author of the book "Internal awakening," he says, for example, of "ministers" who take responsibility tnt latino en vivo for certain tnt latino en vivo areas of life. Others - like Hal and Sidra Stone'owie, the authors of the Voice Dialogue method - use the term "podosobowości". Each of them has a different temperament, tnt latino en vivo a different mode of action, other job to do ... Our psyche is made up of many such podosobowości (or, otherwise, patterns of energy). When we begin to identify with one of them, it takes power over us.
How is this happening? When? In a very natural way. And very early. From an early age we are rewarded for some behaviors, and for other punished. We draw this conclusion, reinforcing some features ("I"), while others weaken or even suppress. Maybe throw overboard tnt latino en vivo our pranksters, because parents do not like it when plays tricks - will that we behave badly. Or suppress warrior, because "girls do not scream and falls stomp his foot." tnt latino en vivo
No wonder that one of the earliest developing aspects of the personality is the "I" that protect us, constantly watching for threats and determining the best way to defend against tnt latino en vivo them. He is the embodiment of various orders of parental (and social), makes sure that we adhere to rules that provide us with the approval tnt latino en vivo of others. This "I" Stone'owie call Defender-Controller. Even claim that the majority of people using the word 'I', really speaks about his defenders-Controller! Surrounded assists
It should also be familiar with the rest of the entourage. Otherwise - say the authors of "Embracing tnt latino en vivo our 'me'" - will have to be reconciled with the role of an observer, "zepchniętego the back seat or, worse, hidden in the trunk, while the various podosobowości lead car of our psyche."
As you might guess, one of the chief places takes inner critic that constantly scolded and "call to order". We are happy to cooperate tnt latino en vivo with the pusher (or, if you will, a herdsman). It's the podosobowość, by which we operate too slowly, we do not quite enough, tnt latino en vivo we are still "backward". tnt latino en vivo To this fraction should also be perfectionist, seeking to find the proverbial hole in the whole. Eternally unhappy, because sometimes overshoot ideals with reality, it is difficult to do everything at 100 percent tnt latino en vivo ...
Syndrome fabricator. Why obstructing a success? Do you know where you're going: what do you associate success? Tao in dealing with difficult people family conflicts - how to use them. Wake Internal creators - the program Julia Cameron
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