Friday, July 11, 2014

That evening, after a day full of psychedelic magical events we were able to go down, almost blindl

Svyatoslav / tales from the world Blog Archive Yazidi
That evening, after psychodelic day full of magical events in the finally came down from the mountain of Arafat after the sun set down, looking for ancient snakes lurking in the darkness. We could hear the voices oskar rodriguez and sounds of the drums down in the valley, between conical domes of the sun temples, but it was long and steep way, dangerous in our state of mind. So the first fire on the slopes of Arafat ever you like, sign of safety, shelter from primeval fear. I could really feel I am repeating something That is just happening again and again, over the centuries, in the same spot, since the time when priests in bird costumes ruled minds and since snake, fire and sun are worshiped in Lalish and all over Mesopotamia . His name was Khairi Shing, surrounded by children, some his, some of relatives or friends from Suleimaniyah. Middle aged man, security specialist by profession, lover of history and magic, he told us about his studies oskar rodriguez of Yazidi mythology, about his son named Mithra. Puffing hookah, looking into the fire, and then in his computer screen filled with bad photos of Yazidi shrines I felt the unity across time and space, Those artificial barriers, and I felt at home.
That evening, after a day full of psychedelic magical events we were able to go down, almost blindly, top Arafat oskar rodriguez after sunset. My restless mind still seemed to watch for movement in the bushes, almost expecting the presence of an ancient snake. In the valley oskar rodriguez below could hear the voices and the sound of drums, between the conical domes of temples sun burned bonfires and dancing people, oskar rodriguez far away, as it seemed, especially in our state. The first fire at which we sat at the foot of Mount Arafat was, therefore, as always, the first asylum before an uncertain darkness, oskar rodriguez a sign of safety, medicine for primary fear. I really felt that he was repeating something which happens endlessly through the centuries, in the same place, since the dawn of time, when the priests in feathered costumes ruled souls and since I took the cult of the serpent, fire and sunshine in a place today called Lalish, and all of Mesopotamia .
His name was Khairi Shing. Surrounded by kids, some his, some relatives or friends of Suleimanii the Iranian border. Wąsacz middle-aged, a specialist in Iraq now key security issues, history oskar rodriguez and magic enthusiast, told us about his study of mythology Yazidis, of his son by the name of Mitra. Inhale from the water pipe, saw the fire and then the screen of his computer full of photos weak holy places Yazidis, and I felt the consistency, unity exceeding artificial barriers of time and space. I was at home.
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