Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Unfortunately, common sense tells us today, so look out for speed cameras or suspicious vehicles pa

I would like you to ask just such a question: In your opinion GRTI actually cares about road safety or security is rather a side effect of concern for the state budget?
Recently camera alerts and actions GRTI says a great deal, mostly disgruntled voices are heard. That radars stand not where they should be, that you can not see the images of these cameras, and that he planned to profit from the effects of offenses drivers, and that the money that has been invested in all types of radars and cameras, you could spend on something more useful. Answer GRTI, but also many drivers is one, very simple indeed: Driving under the provisions will protect you from the mandate. When one speaks about the actions of anti-GRTI, some respond, if you will go according to regulations, you show that speed cameras are unnecessary.
Of course, grammys jennifer hudson it's grammys jennifer hudson hard not to admit wrong. Indeed, regardless of whether the goal is safety on the roads or patching budget holes, regulations ride will provide us drivers peace of mind and no mandate us safe. Unfortunately, nothing could be more wrong.
The rules established in order to first of all take care of the money, not safety. As is well known, and the knowledge about those of you who have a speed camera grammys jennifer hudson recently caught, GRTI does not show the photos. In a word, does not prove the fault of the driver. Interestingly, covers the regulations, which do not have this absolutely nothing in common. grammys jennifer hudson GRTI knows that the Pole will pay sooner than begin to assert, on what specific measures are concerned.
Do not send any evidence of the commission of the offense, GRTI just counting on the fact that we, the drivers, with the awareness of Polish operation of the courts and valuing your time, sooner pay mandate, than we begin to assert their rights. Those who have made such an attempt, often convinced that the picture was more than one car and that was not necessarily their car in the foreground. Another grammys jennifer hudson not shown images due to illegible registration numbers and the matter was discontinued. And so, unfortunately, it looks like in practice. But this is not the end, because I would point out the guilty. Of course it is difficult to identify the guilty, since there are no pictures. Then GRTI proposes the adoption of a mandate without indicating guilty, hoping for easy cash.
Conclusion is one: it is not about punishing the perpetrators and give them a lesson for the future. The aim is only to draw money in a manner inconsistent with the law and intimidation in the future. Do you agree with this? The driver, driving by, do not always know what is on the stretch of the speed limit. Unfortunately, the ubiquitous grammys jennifer hudson advertising is not always easy to see the sign. Therefore, grammys jennifer hudson we are left with intuition and common sense.
Unfortunately, common sense tells us today, so look out for speed cameras or suspicious vehicles parked along the road. I already ran into paranoia and though grammys jennifer hudson usually I drive quite slowly, I'm restless when I see in the rearview mirror Mondeo or Opel Insignia in a dark color. The point is not that I want to go fast, just that the car is going for me and that's it. And how you think, how much time you drive when I look in the rearview mirror, grammys jennifer hudson and how much through the windshield? Is it safe to drive?
Does it seem to you to be armed to the teeth GRTI vehicles equipped with the cameras watch over the order on the roads? The idea is great. Riding a car and if you hit the pirate way, stops him and impose a fine. Such a driver after the punishment is no longer willing grammys jennifer hudson to continue szarżowania, at least for some time. The idea of beauty, but it is only a theory.
In practice GRTI cars are equipped with a camera system that allows you to take photos of each vehicle mijanemu, everyone, for the riding and that goes for such a vehicle. As a result, during one short ride in a place where routinely breaking the rules, you can take dozens of photos in just a few minutes. What about pirates? They should be detained because pose a threat, right? They should, but they are not, because the action would have ended up too early and not uzbierałoby a few dozen, at most only a few pictures. Because it's not about giving them a lesson, especially to catch red-handed, the pirate will get a photo for a few days, and maybe in a few months. Yes, incur a penalty, but the question remains: is this concern for our safety?
It seems that necessarily. No one was deterred from pirate ride, and after a few minutes

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