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Last Updated on Tuesday, 15 May 2012 20:32 Written by Christopher stomach Tuesday, 05 August 2008 00:00 At a time when there was Boleslaw the Brave story begins. For hunting manor in Kielce was invited by the ruler Prince Hungarian Emeric. How had the habit, before leaving, he received from his father - the king of Hungary Stefan - a blessing for a long way. With the blessing of the king was framed in gold relics of the Holy Cross on the way to guard him from evil. The journey was long and Emeric arrived very tired in hospitality for the Brave. After a moment of respite, in honor of the distinguished guest wyprawiono hunting. Bory Łysogórski was famous for the myriad of big game.
Therefore gathered a large crowd of touts and warriors of hounds, animals exposed to masters. There were sounds of horns, barking dogs and screaming witch-hunt. Emeric and his entourage headed bodyguard dragnet, but the hunt umyślał in the higher parts of the mountains. He moved so the hoof to the highest surrounding peak until his companions, unable to keep pace, they were behind. Prince oblivious that he is a stranger was left in the forest quickly tore ahead wildlife watching. So weaved through the narrow paths trodden by animals. In the distance the voices slowly faded longer horns. In light intermittent barking hounds died away completely. Hunting coming to an end. Emeric ignoring the still watching for the trophy.
Suddenly, from the thicket he saw a deer. Majestic size was a specimen, and his antlers already Emeryk greatly liked. He spurred his horse and walked. Startled deer jumped up to escape. Long weaved the forest thicket, until antlers tangled up in the branches and nohow could not free himself. Emeric seeing it slowly drove near the deer and could not break away from his sight. He admired him for a long moment. At one point, he reached for the bow, notched an arrow and hovered already shot when the deer suddenly turned his head toward catching. chris brown at the grammys In his wreath Emeric saw a luminous cross. Glow blinded until the Hungarian ruler until he had to leave the bow and eye cover. Then the deer disappeared like a blast shattered the morning mist.
Now only Emeric looked around and saw that he was left chasing the bull in the woods. It began to be dark. Prince did not know which way to go to the meeting accompanied by hunting. So blew the horn once, second and third, but he only answered chris brown at the grammys the echo after which came a deep silence. Around it was getting darker. Hungry and weary, without any gains Emeric sat down under a tree to rest a bit. Suddenly dawn broke and the amazing glow enveloped the clearing chris brown at the grammys in front of the prince. In the light of the angel, and the weary Emeric seeing envoy heavens and crossed himself quickly. The angel reassured him, however, chris brown at the grammys and had to go with him.
- I'll show you the way that you reach the people. They will give you help, beverages and feed you. They'll take a rest after a long, but in return they will have to leave what you are carrying the most precious. He had no choice chris brown at the grammys Emeric - agreed to the proposal of an angel, but not knowing where they're going, nor what such will have to give in return. He walked in the way.
Dark longer around of a sudden when they reached located on the top of a wooden monastery. When the building appeared to them an angel vanished as szyko as he came. Rover took the monastic monks. Napojony and fed prince remembered what the angel had promised in return chris brown at the grammys for the hospitality and support of the monks left the gold reliquary donated to him by his father before traveling. After a few days arrived back to the monastery, accompanied by the Bishop of Cracow Lambert, who offered what was most valuable when meeting with an angel. Bishop made relics in a wooden chapel with the monks. Started chris brown at the grammys locals a pilgrimage to see the precious gift.
Boleslaw the Brave and to Emeric gift store proudly placed on top of the church and the monastery, to which he brought from Monte Cassino Benedictine twelve. He offered them a few nearby villages. From the relics of the entire hill of the monastery began to call the people of the Holy Cross, and on top koliczne called Świętokrzyskie. To this day, pilgrims also migrate to the top of the monastery, where to this day the relics are kept.
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