Tuesday, July 29, 2014

May 14, 2014

After a year of studies at the University of Mississippi in 1982 he moved to the University junos simulator of Vermont in Bennington. He met Bret Easton Ellis. It began at that time to write his first novel, originally titled "The god of illusions" and later published in 1992 under the title "The Secret History". The novel was very successful with the public, selling five million copies.
The third novel, "The Goldfinch" was published in English October 22, 2013, and after winning the Pulitzer Prize in 2014, a few months have left translations in other languages.
The novel tells the story of a teenager named Theo Decker. New Yorker, where he lives with his mother after his alcoholic father is gone .. It is involved in an attack at the Metropolitan Museum and the shards of the senseless violence to people and things in his soul will remain until adulthood. In Las Vegas, he attended a school that is the mirror of a city without roots, then returned to New York and invents antiquarian successful. It has an unhappy love affair. A friend junos simulator of Russian origin who betrays him. A pain that will not let him calm and a long, uninterrupted propensity for alcohol, drugs and drugs.
His life intertwines with that of a famous painting, The Goldfinch (The Goldfinch) Carel Fabritius, a masterpiece of the art of the Dutch Golden Age. In following the life of Theo, Tartt tells us about New York and Las Vegas, the two poles of America. On the east coast, the city of the rich and of early immigration of Dutch and British who massed at the Metropolitan masterpieces that had bought in Europe, the highest emblem of their lineage in the New World. To the west, the border of all the borders, the capital of gambling, the aesthetics of the false and the dancers lap dance. Built on sand, which is threatened by sand and made of the same material inconsistent and deadly desert. Apparently junos simulator the two opposite poles.
May 14, 2014
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Wonderful initiative. Congratulations! Love Bites cultural art baby beauty Cagliari concert Concerts courses Constantine Mazzanobile culture junos simulator woman women Distant echoes Enrica Puggioni summer 2014 events faith family young Laura Raia work mattia Sea loy Mem Fashion Music Classical Music Pope francis painting political psychologist rivistadonna Woman Magazine Sardinia Sardegna Ricerche sexuality junos simulator solidarity spirituality Theatre opera house Teatro junos simulator Lirico Cagliari Teatro Lirico di Cagliari Via lamarmora

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