Monday, July 14, 2014

Ms. Dorothy, no ... no words to praise .... chocolate cake with raspberries, ...

Grandmother and sponge cake biscuits, cakes and pastries cakes meringue Meringue Brownies Buns Buns sweet yeast breads Sourdough Breads Cakes Chocolate Cakes with cream cakes with fruit cakes, yeast dough cake Danish Puff Pastry and Desserts filo dough półfrancuskie cocktails, smoothies , milkshakes, drinks slices lollipops, candy, cake pops opium and poppy seed cake with Frozen muesli, granola, cereal and muffins Muffins Ginger grammy 2007 Gingerbread pancakes, dumplings, pancakes, waffles praline layer cake baked Cheesecakes Cheesecakes Preparations cold Charlotte and cakes with apple tarts and shortbread dough seasoned Cakes Christmas Easter Halloween Valentine's grammy 2007 Day Mardi Gras cakes without baking for children Puddings, creams, puddings and butter, spreads from around the world Others With a completely different barrel
Ms. Dorothy, no ... no words to praise .... chocolate cake with raspberries, ...
Cassis macaroons
Chocolate truffles in powdered fruit
As promised - Valentine's Day My baked goods will be strawberry! This is a good time to take advantage of winter supplies of frozen fruit, and even demands the body of a light, spring - summer flavors .. cake with strawberry mousse wrapped in chocolate sponge and chocolate ganache. Prepared in the form of a crescent shaped, which has replaced me .. just an ordinary strainer. This torcikiem every Valentine's Day will be sweet :-).
Ingredients for chocolate cake: 4 eggs 100 g caster sugar for baking 100 g cake flour 3/4 teaspoon baking powder 4 tablespoons cocoa 50 g dark or milk chocolate, grated grammy 2007 on a grater with small mesh
Beat the whites to stiff peaks, at the end of churning pour sugar in batches, spoon after spoon, grammy 2007 whisking. Add the egg yolks and beat. For the egg, add the sifted dry ingredients, add the grated chocolate. Stir gently to the foam does not subsided. grammy 2007
Chocolate cake cut into smaller pieces (3 - 4 pieces), put it carefully and strictly form one piece next to another. Cut to the dimensions of the mold, the dough should not stick out over form.
Strawberry mousse: 500 g strawberries (fresh or frozen) freshly squeezed juice of half a small lemon 1/3 cup sugar 4 tsp gelatine powder (12 g) 300 ml whipping cream 36%, cooled further - oblong or round biscuits, half a pack
Soak gelatin in cold water, let stand for a few minutes. Heat in a water bath or in the microwave to thoroughly dissolved and there was no lumps, then add to the heated puree, stir well (you can heat up to make sure that the gelatin is dissolved for sure). Allow to completely cool down at room temperature.
Whipping cream, whipped to stiff. Slowly, grammy 2007 spoon after spoon, add the puree to the cooled down, very gently stirring. Ready strawberry grammy 2007 mousse pour into molds, chocolate cake. On top put the biscuits. Set aside in the refrigerator to the total concentration for a few hours, and preferably overnight.
In a small saucepan, heat whipping cream almost to a boil. Remove the pan from the burner, add the chocolate broken ankle, grammy 2007 let stand for 2 minutes. After this time, stir to obtain grammy 2007 a smooth chocolate sauce.
Cream Cake - Strawberry, the simplest
Bomba good, nicely presented as a doll and guests agreed that niesłodka so light, just in time for the summer. But I tasted the same medium, somehow too could feel the cream, and the poor fruit. Certainly more to it I do not want to have, but as a single, beautifully recommend looking cake.
Dorothy, grammy 2007 My Pastries grammy 2007
I did! The bomb is great - the perfect combination of chocolate and strawberries. I added cocoa butter to the dough 1/4 teaspoon almond grammy 2007 extract, and stepped up the amount of gelatin in the cream (2 sachets 10g), because traditionally too scared to loose weight, which is a problem when cut. The bomb has the whole night in the fridge in the morning peeled it with foil and sauce-Pour it froze instantly. Easily cut into a smooth sharp knife. I would recommend, because the recipe is not difficult and the effect of brick.
Ms. Dorothy, I have already bought strawberries (because tomorrow holiday), but I do not know if I can withstand tomorrow in the refrigerator. What to do? Wait until the morning, or today already prepared grammy 2007 mashed potatoes? I would add that the cake will be on Friday, but I wanted to do it tomorrow: (What you doing? Same problem I have with strawberry compote ... I wanted to do it tomorrow, but these holiday thwarted my plans, because grammy 2007 strawberries have already washed and odszypułkowane waiting in refrigerator, and I worry that ... I do not live to see: (Please advise.
The bomb is already cooled in the refrigerator. Sosik likely at dawn tomorrow I will do .. or afternoon. I can not wait to try it! I would prefer to have it finished today, but I know that this thread came out.
The bomb has already cooling

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