Thursday, July 3, 2014 - Page shit to a good end (28.02.2014) On a good start (02/26/2014) Wyszogu - Page shit to a good end (28.02.2014) On a good start (02/26/2014) Wyszogupio (2/24/2014) Politics is not fun (02/21/2014) wrong am a (2/19/2014) And what to czowiek ... (02/17/2014) It's getting (02/14/2014) The only thing I (2/12/2014) Not only (10.02.2014) It turns out the same (07.02 .2014) How hare (02/05/2014) Loading writing less (03/02/2014) I'm sorry (01/31/2014) Her first time (01/29/2014) It is never so well (01/27/2014)
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